The last month remaining in Japan I experienced various things:
- Going to Arashiyama with Ryotaro. This was during the high peak of fall when all the leaves turn oranges, and yellow and brown, and people are longing to experience the beauties of nature. For me, going to Arashiyama meant experiencing
the real Japan. And what do I mean about that exactly?
Well imagine a typical Japanese ninja scenery, with small villages of traditional Japanese homes made of bamboo, lush forests, murmuring streams, fresh air, silence.. mystical and theatrical, and just breathtakingly beautiful ! This is the Japan that besides the modern technology and it's fashionable people true enthusiasts picture in their heads.
I took so many pictures..
well to be honest, there are two reasons why I STILL haven't put up pictures in this blog besides snapshots of Korean hunks and promo pics of KG campus; Hello my name is Aida and I am neurotic. In the sense that when I start doing something it must become perfectly organized; be it photo albums with comments after each photo, or organizing a closet. So at times I shut down unfortunately and push this responsibility aside. Like the room I am currently typing from; a huge mess of boxes and unpacked suitcases..
The second reason is; well I haven't put aside enough time for it (going back to the neurotic schedule).
Anyways, I shall not bore my readers any further. Arashiyama is located in Kyoto prefecture and if you buy a certain cultural pass, you get to ride the trains using this certain one ticket all day throughout Kyoto's many sightseeing spots. It was really amazing, I am happy Ryotaro took me there. There were tunnels of bamboo trees turning the pathway to complete jungle darkness. And there were illuminated castles and foliages that became like fairytale images taken from a storybook written by Disney himself.
-Going to a "real deal" Yakiniku place. Shota works part time at this yakiniku place with A-class meat, meaning the kind that melts in your mouth, where rich business men come in groups to eat and drink for hours, where the employers work until 3am in the morning! Where the bill ends at about 300-500 SEK per person. Located in the middle of a busy Osaka district, Shota took me to his amusing boss who knew some English here and there and who spoke highly of Shota's sister who he wished to date. After yakiniku I was craving for that darn Jazz bar that Osaka is known for, Shota helped me find a small jazz bar where we sipped cocktails like adults and listened to clinkety clink piano and trumpet solos just made for having deep conversations around.
- I was finally rewarded with an internship. After having my prayer at the Asakusa shrine, I was granted the one in Seoul that was at the top of my wish list. Tae Hoon seemed surprised about me getting it, but it didn't seem as it actually occurred to him what had happened. Learn my child not to be so naive, and not to be such a sucker. And teach these boys that hard work is not only about money..
I am recalling back to that moment when I got it, I had been sad for days after that bad resumé of mine, and the desperate feeling of applying to everyone and everything, but with the lack of motivation that followed in doing so. So when I finally read the email I read; We have the pleasure in offering you... I had Todd sitting next to me and he experiened some ear ache and me breaking his arm, when I all of a sudden had the tension being released in tears flowing down my face.. tears of relief, knowing what the next semester had in store for me at least.
- Making new bonds. One day I decided to have lunch with Kendal and Ninette and since that day we kept hanging out and discussing the dilemmas of boys and being a girl in modern society. When Kendal went to Tokyo and everyone else was partying, me and Nina had a snack tour to Life supermarket to buy ice cream, chocolate and chips and head back to have some Gilmore Girls and Family guy marathon. That whole weekend was dedicated to Gilmore girls up until the late hours. I soon had Nina engaged in Big Bang activities and later Kendal made Dae Seung hers. T.O.P and Tae Yang are property of Nina while GD belongs to A Dragon.
Erica and Ashley soon followed us in the Big Bang performances of Sunset Glow "Nan neureul saranghaaaae, I LUV U GURRRRL ! " with the hand motion to prove it~~
- Continuing improvement of my Japanese, despite feeling I was struggling, I realized I had actually improved a lot. Finals week in December was not so much a struggle, even though I was nervous for speaking part, I managed the reading and writing in grammar pretty well, I finally understood it all. When it come to me and Kanji, well we are at a mutual understanding, we respect each others' existence. Best friends? Still not a chance for that unfortunately..
- Sweets Paradise in Shinsaibashi had guests in the shape of Nina , Aida and Joel, eating pasta, sweets and more sweets, and maybe some pasta on the side. Carb til you drop, but it was extremely delicious !
- The weather was actually quite good, not that cold, after that one icy windy day it became warmer again, so wearing a winter coat felt too warm at times.
- Continuing the karaoke traditions, with the girls busting out love songs in their own room filled with love and other expectations, and the guys running away into another room to bust out rock and hip hop tunes. Me, Nina and Kendal made a lovely entrance at a purikura stand and took insanely fab photos. I know the secret of model perfection. And it has nothing to do with talent .. Late night McDonalds, or even daytime after Kanji lessons became the norm.
- Coffee with Tomo in our deep philosophical mutual understanding of what life is and me helping him with English by having small theatre performances of each vocabulary to help him remember (just picture me looking for clues Sherlock style and you can picture the word EVIDENCE anytime ^^;;), playing Mario Kart tournament on Nintendo DS alongside 8 other swearing and stressed out people were part of the daily routines. Watching Chikako frenetically finish her Chinese Economy homework essays, myself staring towards the smoking section for something that was never there to begin with. Late night sessions with Chikako in our room, scaring her to death when she entered the room, thinking I was in deep sleep. Madoka pineapple chan, being so pink and cute, Masayoooo and her naaaaaandeeeee ?! way of living, Aika and our deep talks, Maki and our sincere appreciation of a good laugh, Ryo kun's sempainess that got me and Eddie pure enjoyment:
- HOME MADE KAZOKU ! Even though we hadn't heard the new album, we still went there. We had an awesome time, because they played all our favorites; including On the run, Arigatou, Shonen Heart, No rain no rainbow, ending with Home Sweet Home <3>ariiiiigatou, hontou ariiiiigatou . I felt happy leaving, even though I wasn't allowed to take any pics, I have a turqoise YEAH! tshirt to prove I was there. Love. The best part was when shy but yet handsome DJ U-ICHI had us pick cards for the blindfolded duo of MC Micro and MC Kuro to sing. Hungry we returned back to Hirakata, where food never tasted any better !
- Experiencing break dance tournament on campus, with locking, popping and some other awesomeness Japanese style
- Realizing destiny is written in advance for me: I found him. In September,about 2 weeks after intro started I met this guy who was interested in going to Sweden. He dissappeared and reappeared in December, 2 weeks before my departure from Japan. Taichi. Well, I was looking for Takahashi Daisuke, the kakkoii ice skater, but I didn't know he had a younger brother ^^
I wonder how I could forget how he looked like, actually he was hanging out with Kendal a couple of times, I saw them and the only thought in my head was; wow he looks like a model. Imagine it was the same guy. Imagine you talk to the guy at the Seminar House and he tells you that you have already met. Imagine karaoke and lunch and helping you pack and escorting you to the bus stop. Imagine he is coming to Sweden this fall after all..
The last week for everyone's departure people ended up sleeping downstairs on the futons that people had checked out from their rooms. Sort of a massive slumber party.
My last day at Hirakata and Kansai Gaidai and Sem 4 was spent taking care of administrative matters, buying last minute gifts, packing in 1 hour to check out, having pizza dinner with Kansai Gaidai family + Takami (love you girls !! ), meeting up with Taichi at Makino, packing, and wondering why I didn't take any pics of the surroundings, such as the beer park where i would take evening walks and talks with Alex lol.
Coming home I was really depressed of leaving Japan, my friends, and 20 kg luggage that is on a ship somewhere heading to Sweden. I had Christmas with my family, met with Maja and Derrick, and Raha and Samira, took care of UN matters, had some part time job packing and packing and packing and answering the same old questions over how fun China must have been... yawn..
Then, came January 30th, and it was departure time ! On the 29th, I had a bye bye fika with Amin, Simon, Raha and Samira (Maja already left for the US and her new life with Derrick). It was difficult to pack, and it was difficult not knowing where my accomodation would be. I had booked the first week at a hostel. Luckily it worked out for the best.
Arriving on the 31st, I was picked up by the hostel taxi and headed to my room for some sleep, I met up with Moonda for dinner, and went home, not being able to sleep ! Monday came and me being confused on the streets of Seoul.
First week of work turned out pretty well, many interesting assignments, interesting topics. But I realized my Korean is not on the level of me managing it. I panicked at times in these streets of Seoul, and today after dinner with Moonda again, I snapped out of it, I chose this, I am here to learn a valuable lesson, never have I felt more helpless but at the same time, never have I felt so stared at either, and never has Ica felt so far away..
But I never quit, you have to make me quit !! Just tonight made me smile so much, walking through Sinchon district with about 300 café in only 2 street area with shirts for 30 SEK, dinner for 50 SEK, sooo many Korean couples, high heels wonderland, and I turn around and hear Tae Yang sing Haru Haru. It's like I have my soundtrack ready. My mp3 is in my pocket, because I have a live show on the streets.
SNSD - Gee song is awesome, the video is cuter than cute and the song hits you over and over Gee Gee Gee Gee, Baby Baby Baby ~~